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Phone: 07 850 5950

Ripeka Noe - Physiotherapist


  • BHSc Physiotherapy (AUT) 2005


I’m Ripeka, and I’ve been with Lifestyle Physiotherapy since its inception. I graduated from AUT and worked in private practice for a short time, before opening the clinic in 2007 with Victoria Grant. I transitioned out of the business to start a family and be able to spend quality time with them.

Originally growing up in Hamilton, I whakapapa back to Te Arawa (Ngati Rangiwewehi). I have always played sports to a representative level, and lots of injuries and visits to physios when I was younger led me into physiotherapy as a career.

I love the variety in the work that I get at Lifestyle Physiotherapy. I love the Ngaruawahia community and feel an integral part of it, especially as access to physio in Hamilton is limited for a lot of locals. My particular interest is breathing and general musculoskeletal rehabilitation.

I am married with three young children and a teenager. CrossFit has been a passion for a long time and I love surfing and skating with my son. I have also just started to get into snowboarding.

I enjoy connecting with people and helping them reach their potential. My aim is always to make a positive difference in each person’s life.


  • Crossfit Games Pacific Regional Competition

  • Bradcliffe Breathing Certificate

  • Primitive Reflex Inhibition and Sensorimotor Training for Recurrent Injuries

  • Dry needling


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